Monday, January 19, 2009

Oh Porter!!!!

Yesterday the family went to church as usual. It really is a miracle that my children survive Sundays. I love going to church, don't get me wrong, but some days my kids drive me to the edge of insanity before the sacrament meeting has ended. Yesterday we had a pretty good day. I had to threaten Porter that he would never see his DS again if he didn't go sing with the Primary kids, but all in all it was pretty good. Both kids went to Primary without kicking and screaming and I sat breathing deeply in Sunday School. I made it all the way to Young Woman's and then... Porter's primary teacher knocks on the door and I knew by the look of desperation on her face that something was wrong. I walked outside and in a voice of panic she said, "Porter stuck a bead in his ear." What...a bead? Sure enough, when I looked I could see a green bead way down in the ear canal. For the next 15 minutes we did everything we could to extract the bead as Porter screamed, "I'm never going to be able to hear again." Mommy saved the day and finally got the bead out. Please tell me other kids do things like this and it is not just mine.


Karen said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like killing her children during church! At least he didn't stick it up his nose!

Unknown said...

lol that's a boy for ya.

My name is Michelle. said...

Nope, it's not other kids and it's not just your kids. This is pure Porter. Not that other kids wouldn't stick beads in their ears, it's just that only Porter would scream, "I'm never going to be able to hear again!" while you took it out. Hehehehehehe, he cracks me up. By the way, go check out Becky's blog too make yourself feel a little more normal. It happens to the best of us.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, Ang. I often wonder how our little ones will survive their childhood and us survive parenting them! I am at a good place right now Reilly is old enough and Lilly is young enough that everyone is behaved-well, as long as both are fed and not tired. But, I am pretty sure this is the calm before the storm- Lilly is just gearing up. I am glad that Po is alright and his hearing is still in tact!! Hang in there!!!

The McKinnons said...

My little girl Hailey would eat chunks out of those foam balls in the shape of soccer, basketballs, etc. Well one day she is laying on the grass and the sun shines up her nose and it looks like there is something white up there but it is hard to tell. I watch it for a couple of days and it never goes aways. I take her to the pediatrititions and they can't figure it out. They can't get it out and they can't tell if there is actually something stuck. So they send us to the ear, nose, and throat doctor. He had to numb her nose and then open up her nostril and grab it out. It was a piece of white foam soccer ball. So after 15minutes with the ear nose throat doctor and $800 later we got it out. Be glad you got it out by yourself. Specialty doctors and EXPENSIVE!