Monday, October 27, 2008

They are getting so big!

Is it possible to love them a little more each day? I do! They are just so cute lately. Lucy loves to sing and dance. Every time she does something good she looks up at me, smiles big, and yells, "I did it." Porter is getting so tall. He is my little helper. He does homework, takes out the garbage, and picks up his clothes and toys. We have been reading "The Magic Tree House" books. We are on book seven. I love these babies!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Gardner Village!

If you haven't been down to Gardner Village, you need to go see the witches. We stopped by on our way to Mary's before the Real soccer game. I got some really cute pictures of the kids at their petting zoo. We thought we would get some retail therapy, but after 25 minutes of three kids and whinny husbands we decided to just get dinner and go home.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

New REAL Stadium!

Chris and Steve have been sooooo excited to go to a game at the new REAL Salt Lake Soccer Stadium in Sandy, Utah. Chris and Steve have been season ticket holders now for 3 years. We are holding our breath to see if they make it to the playoffs. Go REAL!!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

1940's Murder Mystery Dinner

We had so much fun last night at Georgio Genoli's Italian Restaurant (aka Kyle and Bonnie Harris's House). We were invited to a 1940's Murder Mystery Dinner. Chris dressed up as Bud Weiser--a captain in the United States Navy and I starred as Sissy Devine--a lounge singer at the Blue Beat Jazz Club. I am pleased to say that neither Bud or Sissy murdered anyone, but Bud did state that he would be having "sexy time" with Sissy not Gina. We had great food and a ton of fun! Thanks Bonnie and Kyle!
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Saturday, October 4, 2008

Arghhhhh- It's a Pirate Party

We can't believe that our little man is 5! His birthday is on October 1st. Porter decided he wanted to have a pirate birthday party this year. All of our family and friends came dressed as pirates. We had a pirate ship pinata and dug for buried treasure (nickles in the sandbox). My good friend Michelle made an amazing pirate ship cake that was eaten to the last crumb. Thank you Michelle! (She is taking orders!) We had a yummy barbecue and loved being able to visit with everyone. Porter loved all of his presents. Thank you to all!