Saturday, November 1, 2008

Sick on Halloween!!! So sad...

Six weeks ago we took Chris to the clinic because we thought his appendix had burst. After a check up with labs they discovered that Chris had kidney stones. The last month has been so hard on him. It seems like every few days he would get pain that was so intense he couldn't stand up. He had a CAT scan and met with the urologist, but they told him he should be able to pass the stones with time. I have been so worried about him. He has had to miss 6 day of work and still nothing. Last Tuesday we ended up back at the clinic again. Chris's kidney was now infected and inflamed, he was having numbness in his hands and feet and horrible pain. They told us his electrolytes were all thrown off and after labs, another x-ray, two shots in the butt, and lots of percocet we went back to the urologist. This time they said that he wouldn't be able to pass the stones on his own and he needed to have them shattered. The Lithotripsy procedure went very well. I had to go to work because I had Parent Teacher Conferences. Chris's parents were wonderful. His dad took the day off to take him to the hospital and Jan stayed home with our kids. I felt terrible not being there, but that is life. Since Thursday Chris has been mostly laying around trying to recover. He is a champ. Last night I took the kids around the neighborhood trick-or-treating while Chris stayed home and passed out candy. We love our sicky and hope he feels well soon. It has been a long month of pain.
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Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, Angie!! I am so sorry that you guys have been going through all of this... especially Chris. How terrible. I have heard that the pain experienced from kidney stones is only comparable to child birth... poor chris. I wish I lived closer so I could have helped you out with the little ones. Keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

btw.. the kids are adorable!!! love the costumes.

Danny, Mandy, & Driggletts said...

Wow Maag's! That just really sucks! Please let us know if there is something we can do for you guys. I am at home all day and Danny is always available for blessings or anything that you might need! Seriously, let me know if there is anything you need. I know you both have family near by but we would love to help.

amy said...

OUCH I hope Chris feels better soon! I loved the costumes they are so cute!

Stefanie and Jeff said...

Poor Chris We hope that he gets better soon.... That doesn't sound like any fun!