Friday, November 14, 2008

Lucy can READ!

My little gem is so funny. She loves to read! Okay, so it is in a language that hasn't been recorded yet, but I'm sure someone out there speaks Lucy...Let me know if it is you!


Mechelle said...

That's so cute. I loved that sigh she did in the middle of her story.

Lindsay said...

I was thinking the same thing about your kids. Lucy a doll. So is Porter but i think I tend to notice girls more since that's what I have. I would love to get together. Our house is on 3900 south and 2300 east in SL. I'm excited for your new house. You'll have to post some pics. I assume in around Ogden? Call me some time. 209-3887.

Anonymous said...

She is precious!! She will be reading before you know it!! Hope to see you tomorrow at Karen's!

Danny, Mandy, & Driggletts said...

Hey Angie! So probably not the best place to leave this message but what can you do?! I am having a scentsy party on Saturday from 1-3 at my house and I am really bad about getting invites out so there it is. You need to come. Also, I can't get over how cute your little Lucy is. I just adore her in nursery! K so I will hopefully see you Saturday.

Karen said...

Lucy is adorable and I love that boa! Hope you guys had a great Turkey Day!

Timm said...

"once there was an awesome man"
(turn page)
"his name was timm"
(turn page)
"he was more awesomer than most dads"
(turn page)
(turn page)
"than one day timm met lucy."
(turn page)
"yeah, that was awesome."
(turn page)
"now timm is her favorite and will always be and will always ride the hill faster than her daddy."
(turn page)
(turn page)
"The End."

Anonymous said...

Waddaya talkin' about?! That's EXACTLY how Chris talks!! mumble, mumble, sigh, sigh.....ask Chris what Lucy is saying. It's probably something like, "Gee, I wish I was riding my bike up in the mountains today, instead of working in this new BASEMENT!!" HI, Maags! Finally figuring out this whole blogging thing. Yes, I have been in a cave for the last 5 years. But it's a nice cave. And we just discovered fire last week! Miss you guys! Blog on!